
Tuesday, 13 November 2007

How To Optimize Landing Pages So That Google And The Other Search Engines Will Bring Targeted Traffic

By Mark Widawer
"Landing Page Cash Machine"

There's no substitute for getting good keywords on your website. In my workshop I just recently had an insider's guide on knowing your customer, and I've got to tell you, as time goes on, the more people ask me questions, the more often the answer comes back to the basic idea that you really have to understand and know your customer.

Let's say if you're selling digital cameras and you have a page all about Canon L400, (I don't even know if that's a real model number,) and all it does is talk about the Canon L400, then people searching for the keyphrase "digital camera" aren't going to find that page, because the main keywords on that page are going to be Canon L400.

Let's think about that for a moment. What state of mind is somebody in who's searching for digital cameras,? The state of mind that person has is, "Hmm, I think I'd like to buy a new digital camera, and I'm curious about digital cameras." They're not at all ready to buy.

On the other hand, somebody who searches for "Canon digital camera" pretty much knows "so-and-so friend" has recommended a Canon digital camera to them and they want to find out more about the Canon.

The more advanced person in the process might be somebody searching for "Canon L400." They've heard about this camera, they think it's a good camera, people have told them it's a good camera, they want to find out more about that camera.

People who are searching for "Canon L400 price," are likely buyers. That's a guy with a credit card burning a hole in his wallet and he's just looking for a place to enter in the number.

Optimizing your landing pages for Google traffic and other organic search engines is really a matter of understanding what it is that somebody is searching for. So, if somebody's looking for a generic term like digital camera, you've got to assume that they're very early in the buying process.

So what do you do to gather targeted search engine traffic from people in all three stages of the buying process? Well, put up pages about digital cameras, about how digital cameras work, about how they're better than regular cameras, about digital camera lenses, another page on digital camera viewfinders and how important they are, another page on digital camera durability, and another one that talks about batteries. Put up all of these different pages on digital cameras in a different section of your website.

Then, have another section of your website all about Canon digital cameras, and yet another section of your website all about this particular model, with different pages for each of the models.

What that shows is that you have pages that are designed to attract people at different parts of the buying cycle, which is really the key to grabbing all kinds of traffic to your web site.

In the end, the real the answer to getting targeted traffic to your site is think about who your audience is and create the pages specifically for them.

This article is by Mark Widawer. Mr. Widawer is the author of the widly recognized authoritative book on designing effective Landing Pages, the"Landing Page Cash Machine", which really shares some insight on not only converting visitors into buyers, but on what makes an Internet Marketing business really work.

This is by courtesy of Stanley Joshua Kudolo of Online Affiliates College

Secrets Of Affiliate Programs That Make You Lots Of $$$

-Courtesy Of AffiliateProgramsCollege

Thanks to
for portions of this

Certain affiliate programs have a very high
profit potential. Others have about a snowball's chance in... well, don't
have much chance of making an income at

So how do you choose? It depends upon
the content of your site. It doesn't work to promote dog medicine to
people if your site is about trips to Jamaica. While you
might be able to relate the two, your site visitor probably will not
relate their trip to Jamaica with getting cheap medicine for their dog. And
when it comes to affiliate marketing, it's not about you.
It's about your visitor. Affiliate income is about you, but
you only earn the income by doing the marketing.

There are affiliate programs on just about
anything, but only some programs are highly profitable. If you are working
with a very profitable affiliate program, then you can actually build your
entire site around the affiliate program itself.

So, which affiliate programs make the
most money?

If you have a high traffic site (100,000 visitors per month), then you
can make money with any affiliate program as long as it is related to the
content of your site. However if you have a low traffic site, you need to
be more selective to make money. Look for the following characteristics of
a good affiliate program:

1. Lifetime commissions. Certain
affiliate programs give you commissions on every product that is sold to
the customer, forever. A great example of this is

. One of the designers
of this site earns residual commissions from people purchasing calling
cards, and these people signed up months ago through


2. Affiliate programs that have high
profit for each sale will help you grow more quickly. However,
simple logic will tell you that $2 is better than $0. It's better to
make a profit of $30 per sale than $2 per sale, but if you stick and stay,
you can get your pay. What this means is that patience and
persistence are huge when it comes to affiliate marketing.

3. The product needs to be of great
quality - something that you can actually vouch for. Why sell
something that is poor in quality?

4. Information products can be the
best type of affiliate products because they do have high profits. Many
people will give you 50% commissions or more for selling their information
product. Why? It costs virtually nothing to reproduce an
information product. Stamping a CD costs 25 cents, or emailng the
information costs less. If it's a good product, it can be resold for
$9.95 (or more), and because the product designer doesn't have to market
it, they will pay generously for your efforts.

To get a real idea of what are the best
affiliate programs, you need to have a look at what affiliates are earning.
Find out more information about

what top affiliates are earning

You can also have a look at the affiliate
networks which put together a whole lot of affiliates with merchants.

The main affiliate networks are listed many
places throughout the internet, and on affiliateadvice's

affiliate program directories page
Check these directories out for a high quality selection of products in a wide variety of

If you REALLY want to know what the highest
commission products are, here are a few examples. But please remember that
these areas are highly competitive, and it is hard to get search engine
traffic for them

Information products - online newsletters
and ebooks.

Credit Cards.

Online Gambling, sportsbooks etc.

Mortgages/loan companies

Software products

Web Hosting (very competitive area)

Office Supplies (such as inkjet cartridges)

This is not a definitive list. There are
plenty of other products as well. These, however, are all very high profit

This article was reprinted
where you can

great affiliate programs and ways to generate online

Consider these and take your affiliate business to a new level.
To your success